Update: Thank you!

Wow! Our Dance Fit Flow community sent over 200 letters of support.

We have reason to believe our voices are being heard and needs are becoming better understood. A meeting has been scheduled with the royals.

Thank you!

Dear Friends,

We need your help.

As many of you know, the proposed Royals Stadium is directly across the street from our front door. Since the Royals press conference, we have made attempt after attempt to communicate our concerns with the key players involved without hearing much back. Today, we learned that the Royals and the Crossroads Community Association are close to releasing a draft of a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) that does not include support for Dance Fit Flow because we are not considered within the “stadium footprint”.

The stadium project poses a major threat to our ability to operate both during construction and after its completion, and we feel it’s wrong to be left out of the CBA.

Dance Fit Flow wants to keep leading a movement for adults to keep their passion for dance alive, and we need to stay in business to do so! Please reach out to the contacts below and ask them to not exclude us from the CBA.

If we could get at least 100 people to speak up on our behalf before Monday morning, it would send such a strong message about  how important this community is to all of us!

Will you help us?


Here’s a message you can copy/paste

Subject: Protect Dance Fit Flow

To Whom it May Concern:

I am a part of the Dance Fit Flow community, and it’s important to me that Dance Fit Flow gets the support and consideration it needs from the downtown Stadium project in order to stay in business and continue serving the performing arts in Kansas City.

Please ensure our community is included in the Crossroads Community Benefits Agreement with the Royals.


{Your Name}


Kerri Pomerenke